About Us
Fortune Agribusiness (FortuneAgri) is an Australian agribusiness. We have acquired Singleton Station, a 294,000 hectare pastoral lease in the Western Davenport region of the Northern Territory of Australia. This property has immediate access to key infrastructure such as power, road and rail. Our site has huge, economic water resources, is pest and disease free, and has favourable soils and climate. We plan to develop 3,500 hectares of intensive irrigated horticulture with shared support infrastructure to create one of the largest such fruit and vegetable developments in Australia.
We are adopting state of the art farming practices and technology to create a highly efficient food production business which is conscious of the natural environment of the region. Our operating philosophy is to engage and collaborate with the local community and stakeholders to create social and economic benefits, and to protect important cultural and environmental features, such that the Western Davenport region will become a showcase for food production in Australia and worldwide.
We will provide the cleanest and freshest produce for the people of Australia, Asia and beyond.

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Singleton represents the future of food production. The world is craving sustainable food supplies free from any form of contamination. To achieve this we need clean soil, clean water and clean air.
Singleton is a uniquely pristine environment for food production and Fortune Agribusiness is committed to protecting this advantage. This will be achieved in partnership with the local Indigenous community and the developing local horticulture industry.
In planning and operating our assets we will work with the community and the regulators to ensure sensitive natural ecosystems are protected. We will also work with the Traditional Owners to protect and promote Aboriginal history and culture in the region whilst providing opportunities for local social and economic growth.
Our large scale horticulture project will draw on the latest technology and farm practices to ensure we optimise the economic efficiencies of our operations while minimising or eliminating environmental impacts.